
Openness in the Higher Education Classroom


Openness describes a multi-faceted approach to teaching and research. While formats like open access and open data mostly address aspects of research, Open Educational Resources (OER) touch on teaching material and methods. Enabling students’ understanding of the power of open science will give them access to a community in which sharing resources of all kinds leads to higher quality, more efficiency and more innovation in their research. UNESCO also points out the various advantages of open research practices because Open Science enables fair access to science, improves transparency and traceability, and strengthens interdisciplinary exchange. Yet, members of universities also have to view their approach to openness in their respective institutional contexts which may vary enormously.

In this workshop we will dive into the dimensions of Open Science and Open Educational Resources in order to extrapolate means of integrating openness into our teaching in the context of our institutions’ policies. We will encounter methods of and approaches to so called Open Educational Practices that foster an open mindset and encourage students to actively participate in the design of their learning processes. First, we will get to know into the aforementioned concepts and analyse methods of fostering openness in our teaching and identify means of overcoming obstacles. Participants will then design small teaching/learning segments that we will discuss and evaluate after a longer individual planning session in the afternoon.

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
  • Open Science, Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practices.
  • Methods of integrating Openness into teaching.                                                 
  • Institutional conditions and obstacles and how to address them.

After the workshop participants are able to:

  • name principles of openness that are relevant in their fields of study and teaching by contrasting the principles with their own approaches to research and teaching
  • identify means of integrating openness in their teaching by analysing different approaches to Open Science and Open Educational Resources
  • advance an open mindset by integrating Open Educational Practices in their teaching
Veranstaltende Institution
Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • Lehrentwicklung im System Hochschule
  • Lehrende
  • Sophia Hercher

    Referat für Lehrentwicklung und Hochschuldidaktik, Projekt Zukunftswerkstatt, Philipps-Universität Marburg

  • Dr. Lydia Riedl

    Stv. Leiterin, Open Science, Konzeption und Kuration Repositorien, Text- und Datenpublikationen, Forschungsdatenmanagement, Philipps-Universität Marburg

  • AE: 8
30.06.2025, 09:00 - 17:00

Montag, 23.06.2025: 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr (Online)

Anmeldefrist läuft bis zum 30.05.2025